Here are some CISCO Interview Questions consisting more of Digital Electronics written and technical interview Questions asked in leading electronics companies / software development or chip designing firms.
Why do we use refresh in dynamic RAM?
Explain the cause and effect signals of 8085 microprocessor.
What is FILO?
Why is CMOS preferred over NMOS?
What happens if we add negative logic to a nand gate?
Difference between synchronous circuits and asynchronous circuits.
What do you know about ALE in 8085?
ALE stands for Address latch enable.
Bit storage capacity of a ROm with 512*4 organization?
What is the time taken by a 64 kbps serial link to send a picture with 540 pixels?
How much memory is required to store a 4 minutes voice signal. Frequency range = 16 to 20 Hz and sample = 1 byte.
Explain Subroutine and Vectored Interrupts.
Memory needed for multiplication of two 8 bit unsigned numbers.
How does a controller work?
What is the vector address of RST 7.5 in 8085 microprocessor?
Represent AC2H in terms of Gray code
Active high SR latch has 1 on S and 0 on R input. What is the state of latch?
What is a PLL?
What are the various stages inside a PLL or phase locked loop?
The input of a D flip flop is connect to output of an XOR gate, What will be the output?
How does the Icb of a transistor vary with change in temperature?
How many input vectors are required to determine the stack fault of a 3 input nand gate?
What is the range of mantissa in a normalized floating point representation?
Question on Addition of BCD Numbers
Question on Addition of Hexa decimal Numbers
Subtraction of hexa decimal numbers
Simplification of complex expressions
How is nor gate used as an inverter?
What is the number of flip flops needed to make a divide by 32 device?
What do you understand by a parity generator?
Digital Electronics important technical interview and written test paper theoretical questions and answers. Download lots more related tech and job preparation materials here.
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